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Sale Pending
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:38 pm
by livecam
A new tag has shown up in for sale ads over the last few months...the "sale pending" tag. I see it so much that I'm starting to wonder if most posters know what it means or even why they are adding it to their messages. In essence it means nothing because if an item is sold why bother to advertise it again! Yes "sale pending" sounds pretty brain dead when added to a "for sale" post. So guys please...
SAle Pending
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:19 am
Yeah....I was wondering what it meant.
I figured that it means "for sale, but maybe already sold, or I`m not sure that I`ll sell at all"
Or maybe I`m not that good in English!
sale pending
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:56 am
by W9SIX
In defense of myself and others on these posts, I have edited my ads to include "sold pending payment to: whoever" as a benefit to the buyer. I always try to remove the ad after payment has been rec'd. I've done this as a benefit to the buyer. It is a benefit because the buyer now knows that I am expecting payment from him (no-one else) and I have documented our transaction on the board. basically we now have a few thousand witnesses of the transaction. I have also considered that it takes up bandwidth, but no more than a seperate feedback forum, which I also realize has it own merits. I actually had an ad marked this way removed in the last week and have since stopped marking my ads that way. I guess I figured at that point that Scott agreed with you and that it was not appropriate. As most of you know, documentation is key in these net deals. I just figured it would help a bit to have the record of it right up front for all to see. just my thoughts on it. Matt W9SIX
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:46 am
I have several volunteers that help watch the site for me, so I probably didn't personally delete your ad. However, here are my thoughts on SALE PENDING and SOLD ads:
SALE PENDING: I think this is acceptable if you went through a lot of time to create your ad, and you think the deal might fall through. If the deal DOES fall through, you can just edit the ad to remove the SALE PENDING to get your ad going again. But please delete your ad when the item is truly sold and unavailable.
SOLD: If the item is truly sold for sure, then DELETE THE AD! What a waste of space and everybody's time for reading the ad. No value -- please delete!
One of the future features coming (hopefully soon!) will be to temporarily take your ad off-line. Then SALE PENDING will no longer have value -- you will be able to take your ad off temporarily, and then when the deal is finalized, you can remove the ad for good (or leave it off-line).
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated!
Thanks & 73!
Sale Pending
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 3:12 pm
I think the temporary removal of a ad is a good idea, because sometimes as we all know deals fall through for any number of reasons, that way one could just repost.
Sale pending
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:04 pm
by k7iou
I agree with Scott. There have been times that I have listed an item, and received several responses. When a potential buyer says he's send me a check I add "sale pending". Now I know some will say "well why not just remove it". This is why. I will receive more inquires on the item asking if it falls through to please contact them. Some times this happens. If the ad wasn't there showing "sale pending" then there would be no sale. So I say, it saves time. When its sold I delete it.
thanks Scott.