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Posting Suggestions
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:35 am
by N0EE
I would like to suggest when posting ads, if at all possible, please do not use ALL CAPS, it seems to me to be easier to read with the most commonly used fonts . Also, some form of punctuation is nice............
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:43 am
by W0LPQ
John, I do agree with you on punctuation. It is sorely lacking. Regarding caps, I also agree, but there are those with vision problems who cannot distinguish small letters. Therefore all caps. I used to work with a couple of people that had this problem. Oh yes.....people would really scream about all caps, but when it was shown to them, how people do have vision problems with small letters, the clamor died down.
What would also help, is put one item in one paragraph, and the rest in their own paragraphs. Sure makes it easier to read and distinguish if you are giving a history lesson of each item. No need for a half dozen Returns (line feeds to us old dudes who used to take tying years ago) just to make a single ad take up a whole page.
I am not sure why people cannot use decent punctuation. Sure, I'll get flamed for the comment, but those with gross errors do not get my read. Even if I was interested in that item, I go on to another post.
Good ideas John..
Bill, W0LPQ
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:53 am
by w4wvw
I could not agree more about keeping multiple item posts seperated in different paragraphs for each item. If not the listing all runs together and you can't tell where one ends and another begins.
Another thing that bugs me is to see a listing and they include the entire sales brochure or operators manual in the listing. It makes things easier to include a link to the manufacturer's website and interested parties can go there to look at all the specs on the item being listed if they so desire. All this excess info in a listing just takes up unecessary bandwidth.
Finally, I hate it when I reply to a listing, especially when it concerns an item someone is looking for, and I get no response whatsoever. It is just common courtesy. At least take the time to say "thanks but no" or "it is sold". And do everyone a favor and go back and edit or delete your listing when an item is sold or found.
Prices are nice, too!!!
ALL CAPS is not the answer to vision problems
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:51 am
Writing your ad in all Caps is not the answer to vision problems. Instead, in Internet Explorer, all you have to do is go to the VIEW menu, then under TEXT SIZE just make the text size larger. If you have it set to smaller, change it to medium. If you already have it at medium, change it to Larger.
You can also change your monitor resolution. If you have it at 1024x768, change it to 800x600. If you already have it at 800x600, change it to 640x480. This will increase both picture and text size.
But please, don't post your ad in ALL CAPS.
- Scott
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:56 pm
by n5rvz
I would add pictures also. Use HTML codes to add pictures.
For example.
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:06 pm
No, DO NOT post a picture in your ad using HTML. You are FORCING people to view your picture, even if they are not interested in your item. This is a very selfish thing to do !!! Plus it is totally against our rules and your ad will be immediately removed.
I have a free image upload feature. You can upload your picture, and then your ad has a "camera" icon that people can click on to see the picture, plus there is a link that says "view photo".
This is the proper way to place an image with your ad.
73 - Scott KA9FOX