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new tower and antenna

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:47 pm
I am putting up a 60 foot tower (Rohn 25 G) I want to mount a Cushcraft tri band ,on top of that I want to mount a stacked 2 meter beam..How far down in the tower should I mount the rotor(Ham 4) and 2. How high above the tri band should I mount the stacked 2 meter. TNX!

new tower & antennas

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:36 am
Hello Ed,

How about providing which Rohn 25G top section you have for your tower, Tapered Top or Flat Plate Bearing Top?

What type of 2 Meter Beams are you putting above the Tri-Bander, either Vertical for FM or Horizontal for CW / SSB?

What sixe is the Mast Pipe that you intend to purchase and use: provide Outside Diameter & Wall Thickness in Inches?

I hope you have thought about using an internal Bearing & Shelf besides the Rotor & Shelf.

I hope you haven't thought that the 60 Foot Rohn 25G tower will be used as a Self-Supporting Tower as it will not work, not even using house brackets! Your homeowners insurance company will not have a great sense of humor if the tower falls.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:00 pm
the top is tapered, I'm putting up 2 , vertical FM and SSB 11 element beams on top of a 3 element tri band beam. mast pipe is 2 inches. wall thickness is about 1/4 inch. I have the bearings and the rotor shelf that came with the rotor.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:49 am
Okay, how long is your mast pipe?

If you're putting up two (2) Vertical 11- Element Beams for FM. Don't expect the Vertical Beams to work well on 2-meter SSB because there's a minimum of 20 dB to 30 dB in cross polarization. Everybody I know, including myself use Horizontal Polarization for Weak Signal CW / SSB operation. If you use Vertical Polarization, you'll notice a garble signal distortion on the received audio. Your radio signal will not be able to hear those long distance stations over 400~500 miles away.
