Well, I've been following this broken Thread because first Ed doesn't understand the meaning of a
"Forum Thread!" Ed you
always open the continuing Thread as a NEW Subject which it isn't!
Don K9YLI informed you on
"Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:00 pm" and I will
Quote Don: "You will need both schematics ..... a volt ohm milliamp meter.". This would have been the
Kenwood TS-950SDX H.F. Transceiver and the
Henry 2 K RF Amplifier which I did
not see any indications that
Ed acquired or full filled your basic request.
My feelings are,
Ed is playing you
("Don") for a
Sucker. In other words,
Don fixes my radio problems so I (as in
Ed) won't need to learn how to open and read or understand Product Instruction or Service Manuals and
Ed gets his radio equipment fixed
I can save Don an immense amount of time and effort trying to correct
YOUR rediculous
Chinese Fire Drill! And perhaps,
Ed may be able to
LEARN a few things even at his age. I wrote this reply so a Fifth Grader in Grammar School can understand it as I'm
not trying to insult a former Big Blue Engineer from a former Circle M Ranch Design & Development Engineer.
Go to the following website:
Scroll down to section labeled,
“CHOOSE YOUR AREA OF INTEREST” and move your computer’s mouse to the section labeled:
5. MANUALS, now Click your computer’s mouse on this field.
Again, scroll down to the field labeled:
FREE – BEES and move your mouse over the field labeled:
THE MOTHER LODE OF MANUALS – WOW DE WOW and Click your computer’s mouse on this Field.
You may receive a Microsoft message stating: Please Don’t forget to send your donation via PayPal. – Thank You! (I’ll leave this option up to you!)
Once You have chose either the
Yes or
No buttons, you will be directed to the following webpage:
http://kb2ljj.serveftp.com/ and again scroll down the left hand side till you locate the field labeled:
Kenwood and move your computer’s mouse over the word and Click this field.
You will be brought to the next webpage labeled:
http://kb2ljj.serveftp.com/kenwoods/ and scroll down the right hand side of this webpage to the
TS-950SDX Instructions Manual and Click your computer’s mouse on this field. It may take
30 seconds to
1 minute to download this
PDF document to your computer’s internal Harddrive or Desktop. To SAVE the PDF document to your computer, go to the ICON on the lowest STATUS Bar lower left hand corner, take your computer’s mouse and Click on the small “Floppy Disk ICON” to SAVE to your computer. While you’re at the correct document site, you might as well return to the previous webpage, locate the
TS-950SDX Service Manual and download this PDF document and SAVE to your computer. You will be required to have either
Acrobat Reader or FoxIt to open and read these software documents.
Let’s say you have made it this far and have either software program to open the documents. I would suggest to open the
Instruction Manual “First”, Scroll down to
Page # 54, first reading the
top section labeled:
TRANSMIT and then Scroll down to
Page # 56 Section
5–6–6 for
Linear Amplifier Control and
READ this page. If you have managed to accomplish reading and understanding all of this basic information between your H.F. transceiver and your Henry KW RF Amplifier, at this point time you may feel like a
FOOL and
Y-O-U DESERVE IT! Everything I have provided to you is right out on the world wide Internet. This is
not Rocket Science, I think it's been referred to as
"Common Sense!"