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FT 900 Flashing Display

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:45 pm
by kc0kbp
Hello all, I have a FT-900 that has just developed a problem, I had been on a trip, and upon arriving home I had a Flashing display on my FT 900. It is a bit odd as it is from 21.500 to 30.000 mhz. When it goes to any freq in this range, the audio leaves, and the display starts flashing. Any Ideas? Is it an easy repair? Has anyone else had this happen? Let me know and Thanks for reading. Cheers, Bob :cry: :?

Backup battery good?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:02 pm
by K4ICL
Could it be telling you the backup battery has quit and needs to be replaced.

Just a thoughtl....


FT 900 Flashing Display

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:32 pm
Hi Bob,

Yaesu normally reserves the Blinking or Flashing to indicate that the PLL in your case is intermittently Out Of Lock. You will need to perform an alignment procedure on your FT-900 transceiver.

