Hy-Gain VB66DX 6 meter question

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Hy-Gain VB66DX 6 meter question

Post by k4ws »

I have gotten this antenna tuned and in the air. It is working, but I purposely
didn't go by the Hy-Gain manual on the very front director of the antenna, director
4. The manual says to make it longer than the 2 directors directly behind it.

I have been told over the air, do it. I said what is the theory behind this, and just do it is the only answer.

Can someone tell me why Hy-Gain might have made the natural "log" like progression of element lengths suddenly reverse at the very front of the antenna?

Thanks for any help. I made it the same length as the previous 2. I have the manual, bought the antenna new, know what it says, but who has one of the
original Hy-Gain, not MFJ/Hy-Gain, VB66's and can tell me the exact measurement of the front director on theirs and if their front director is then longer than directors 2&3 Better still, why should it be longer? I know Bill
Orr surely left someone around to know why if it is true!

Thanks for this forum. 73 Wayland k4ws. :)
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