WOW, where did all that racket come from?

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WOW, where did all that racket come from?

Post by w8jn »

wow, where is that racket coming from?
Where is that noise coming from? I recently rebuilt a Zenith Transoceanic 3000. The radio is beautiful! Excited about my results, I turned it on and the noise coming from the speaker was atrocious! 60 cycle hum like you wouldn't believe. To top it off, i was running off of battery power! Where in the heck was that noise coming from. Well, I was convinced that I destroyed the zto when I fixed it. I took it outside and the noise went away. Now I new that something in the house was generating the noised. To make a long story short, I walked through the house and noted where the noise rose and fell... I FOUND IT..... we recently purchased a set of lights from IKEA that ran on dc power. The rectifier in the system was the dirtiest running piece of junk i have ever seen. If you ever buy dc powered interior lights, watch out! Best 73 Paul w8jn
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