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License Police.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:52 am
by w5otp
Who are these people who advertise--"sell to licensed hams only"? Who elected them to the License Police? Are they related to a bunch who were reporting on their neighbors in Germany just before (and during) WW11? Isn't it illegal to specify who you will sell to ? All the ham supply houses seem to be willing to sell to anyone with the money. I think we should let the law enforcement group take care of illegal matters and hams take care of ham matters. When will these thought police step up their police work to include certain religions etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseum??
And there is another group who will not ship and what do you want to bet that they had their equipment shipped to them? Do these people suggest that their idea of the golden rule is really a brass measuring stick 11" long (or perhaps one in the form of a corkscrew?.) Ralph w5otp.
I shall not assume that I have the right to interview anyone who wants to buy a piece of ham gear that I wish to sell. First I did not purchase that right and I do not care to assume that right. I look askance at anyone who assumes and exercises this control mechanism. Next they will appear as members of the "thought" police. People who are engaged in this activity obviously do not have enough constructive to do. Ralph w5otp.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:23 am
by N5JFJ
I agree with what you wrote Ralph...The Older, Wiser, and certainly the Truest Hams I've ever met...came from the days when Old peices of Scrap were soldered together and Simple Radios were created! Some of the Best Hams I know today, came and joined up, from the Citizens Band, and many... that call the Kettle Black, are no different, if they care to admit that. If we extended half the time offering to help others become fellow Ham Operators... instead of bashing the very one's that show an interest in our Hobby, or refusing to sell to someone that does not have that License "YET" isn't that even more of an incentive... for them to get their license especially with their investment they show, in purchasing the equipment. I think about that each time I hear someone mention that Ham Radio... is a thing of the past! Ever notice how we as Human beings take things that are GOOD...And Crucify it... before we even REALIZE... what WE have done! "Yes Please" who are these - "RADIO POLICE?" GOD BLESS AMERICA De N5JFJ
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:57 pm
by vk2uw
I agree also re the Internet Police on the classifieds
If they put more time into Positive thinking
instead of critisism about others, then the place and also Amateur Radio would be better off.
Instead of critisism why not put your time into asking or helping those
if they are interested in the hobby, and do they need help in going further to obtain a Licence.
They might only be feeling the way,
and get abuseive comments, this would turn anyone off the hobby.
Change your ways,
and you will be rewarded for your input, by knowing you have helped others.
The Internet Police should have to sit for a licence in manners and politeness,
this would be a great start.
If you have nothing constructive to say,
then keep it to yourself, and save alot of headaches for others that have too read your remarks.
LIcense Cops
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:06 pm
by W0LPQ
Some time ago, you had to have a license to purchase. Now....anything goes as evident from truck stops.
Personally, if you have a license and I am selling something, and you are interested, we can talk.
If you do not have a license, we will talk also. But there may be no sale, depending on what the individual has to say..!
Bill, W0LPQ
No License, NO SALE
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 4:59 pm
by wr0t
Bill is right about the truck stops. A lot of repeators have been shut down because of the numbers of 10 4 good buddy types getting and using ham equipment.
Just look at the number of ads looking for Ranger 10 M radios ( AKA CB ) I see 2M rigs at pawn shops all the time
As to a lot of todays hams coming from the CB ranks, roger that is right but then look at the number of scams and ripoffs today.
Does this mean that the CBers are doing the ripoffs?, no but it does make one wonder. Just look at the rip offs and see the age and length of time as a ham and license class, it does make me wonder.
Now please hold the flames, I have aready been called every name in the book by lots of CBers and I just consider the source and use the delete key.
License Police?
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 11:20 pm
by John Everson
I can't speak for the rest of you but I would rather not have some ham selling the local CB DXer his FL-2100B amp just so the guy who bought it can take it home and overdrive the thing with his overmodulated RCI 2970. Some people say, "he doesn't live near me, what does it matter"? I sold an AL 80A for a friend in the radio club once. Most of the people that wanted the thing had no ham license. Why would a guy with no ham license need a kilowatt amp? We know why. Even if you knew that the guy was not going to splatter on YOU, does that mean that it is OK?
One thing that is all the rage these days out here in CA is people buying Marine radios or 2 mtr ham rigs, and modding them to work in their vehicles on the color dot freqs or marine freqs while they are out hunting. What's next? Just running on the ham bands?
If we could at least use some discretion when we sell our equipment, we may be able to avoid some of this nonsense.
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:44 am
by N5JFJ
John I read what you wrote and AGREE with the Facts and truth of your words. I'd also like to add that I dont understand how radios like Rangers, Superstars, Galaxy, just a few named here, and certainly Texas Star, Maco, Varmit, Grays, and Pride amplifiers even can be sold, out there so openly, on todays market?
Many of them unfortunately hide behind Legal terms like...SOLD FOR EXPORT!
What I'd love to see with our TAX DOLLARS AT WORK...Is the FCC making a demanding Effort to be at and are INVITED to our Hamfests, and even monitoring EBAY, and so on. So that the MINORITY, that BREAK the laws of our land...Don't cause the normal, MAJORITY of law abiding Citizens to suffer, or loose another RIGHT or FREEDOM! What I mean is if some CRAZY kills someone with a fork today, then I dont want to be MINUS a FORK on my dinner table tomorrow, as a REDICULOUS way to solve the problem.
SURELY as you wrote...we need to CAREFULLY POLICE our hobby against those who will mis-use it. Still...I DO NOT READ ENOUGH ABOUT or SEE enough ACTION against those who ILLEGALLY MODIFY and / or MIS-USE or even sell ILLEGAL EQUIPMENT!
Hey...why not treat it... like illegal Drugs? Use it...Get caught selling it? And "PAY OUT THE WASS-OOOOH"
One things for get in these people pocket books...stiff enough that it isn't worth the WRATH of what happens to them when they get caught...and you'll SEE a difference then! But that goes back to asking again...for MORE ACTION for our TAX DOLLARS at WORK, More help against VIOLATORS from the FCC. I mean yeah baby...
"Turn Em Loose"