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Help please
Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:06 pm
by m3rvl
Hi all i have a kenwood 570d and every now and again it switchers off and on any idea what could cause this
regards Dave
TS-570D Power Glitch
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:14 am
Hello Dave,
When your TS-570D does this Power Glitch, "Does the transceiver reset the menories and the filter parameters at the same time?"
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:34 pm
by k9yli
first of all make a baby sitter using an analog meter.
monitor input voltage to the radio.
an analog meter needle will be visably moving for a split second after the incident, as in a quick voltage drop.
if this is a mains powered radio then monitor some internal voltage, if the mains did not drop voltage. .
also what is the recovery procedure.
do you have to cycle the power switch.
does the radio come back on by it self.
is it during transmit or receive, or both..
isit time sensitive.
does it happen when the radio is cold, or after a long time and its hot.
does it happen when moving the mic cable?
or any cable. or moving the radio itself. any physical thing that might cause it.
trouble shooting is the art of collecting data.................................
you can not ask a question like "" my car don't work,,Whats wrong??""
details details details..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:38 pm
by k9yli
In reply to your actual question.
the real answer is """ Any component in the radio and a few outside of it.!!!!'''
L ike I said above. details are the heart of it....