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paypal only!
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:05 am

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:22 pm
by kg8lb
Paypal has beaten up some very unscupulous dealers ! (And they NEEDED it!) People who in the past simply passed of junk or packed it so poorly there was no hope for survival. In the past they would just tell the buyer "file a claim with the carrier" or tuff shet" !
Paypal gives honest buyers a club to whack less than honest sellers. That is a good thing.
No more "I shipped it Parcel Post 2 months ago, you should have it by now" No more"Oh my wife forgot to drop it off" No more" The money order didn't get here! I don't care if it WAS cashed I sure didn't cash it"
And for the seller, no more "The check is in the mail" Of course the check doesn't arrive and meanwhile 5 other would be buyers have gone elsewhere .
Paypal gets the money right there , right now.
I actually am wary of a buyer or seller who refuses Paypal.
Paypal rocks in my experience !