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Baluns coax choke vs toroidal

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:08 am
what are advantages of a toroidal balun(current ) vs coax choke type,IE feedline isolation,antenna isolation & ERP?Are they worth the price differance & is there a web site on homebrewing them?
73 4 now

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:48 pm
by barry g. kery
A coaxial choke, meaning no ferrite used and just coiling up the coax, is not braod banded and also does not offer enough reactance.
If you want to make a good balun, RF choke, or a line isolator, you need ferrite and the right ferrite for the frequency of operation.
Amidon FT 240 43 is usually a pretty good choice but there is better. All of this is in the 2010 ARRL Handbook.
Make sure you use the correct coax, like...RG 400, RG 141 or RG 142.

You next choice is to just buy one already made.

Good luck with your project.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:50 am
by lhk0pd
To get what your wanting just go to Ham