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Threats of Negative Feedback

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 3:29 pm
by jim
I wish to thank the sellers of tubes to my ads posted on QTH. We had great transactions and everyone was pleased, except one. Additionally, sellers were advised of the true value of their tubes. Some sellers bought new ham equipment with the money received.

I deceided to remove the wanted ads due to an irrate seller. I was to buy two tubes, but had a 'red flag' after seller complained they did not have their money 3 days later- not promised, nor possible thru regular mail. After stating I had not sent funds yet, I had no reply. A week later, the seller stated they were waiting. I deceided I do not want any dealings with this person.

This week I received a threat that if I did not remove all my ads, negative feedback would result on this forum due to not buying the tubes. This person believes they are some kind of a self-appointed officer of QTH and I am less than honest. I had not received any tubes nor owe anything to this person.

On eBay I have 580 positive feedbacks & 6 negatives due to sellers retaliation after sending junk products and receiving a negative from me.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 1:44 pm
by Diverjim

I have found that timely communications between parties is the best remedy for distant trading with others...whether it be Ebay or any other forum for sales of items.

From your email, I detect there may have been less than timely communications between the parties. Sellers must not leave Buyers "wondering" if they have a sale and Buyers must communicate their intentions to buy/not buy an item in a timely fashion to Sellers.

Once both parties have committed themselves to conducting a transaction, communications doesn't stop there. Both parties must continue to communicate throughout the transaction.

With over 6 years experience in selling and buying with individuals on the internet timely communications is the single most important element in keeping both parties happy.


Negative Feedback due to "down" servers

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:27 pm
by k3ich
The subject of negative feedback on ebay is a particularly senstive subject to me also. Like the previous post, I have been on ebay since 1998 and have managed to accumulate over 1400 individual positive ( unsolicited ) feedbacks. I do however have two negatives and two neutrals. One of the negatives resulted from a noisy volume control on a radio that was specified to be in perfect working condition. I offered a refund, to fix it, or send a can of De-Oxit, but he STILL slammed me with a (-). The others are ALL the result of not being able to get a message through to a buyer because HIS server rejected my emails, either through eBay, direct, or as a reply to his. It takes an act of congress (or GOD) to get feedback removed on ebay, so needless to say, long after the buyer realized that the fault was on HIS end, the feedbacks are still standing.

While the concept of feedback is sound, it can easily be subverted into a mud-slinging contest.

73' Charlie k3ICH