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Watch out for plagiarized amateur radio call sign SCAMS

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:47 pm
by wx1f
Have you seen ads like this lately: "Like New Kenwood TS-2000 $750 shipped" or "Icom 476Pro $550" !! You answer the ad and the guy emails you right back and says "I'll take a cashier's check or postal money order but don't send it to my home, I'm on vacation...send it to me here."
BAM !!! That's the last you'll see of your hard earned money, friends!! Use your phone...look up the sellers name/address and call sign on QRZ. You'll find the guy on the other end on the line doesn't even have internet and doesn't know someone is using his call sign to scam people!! If you're not absolutely sure who you are buying from, don't send any money!! PASS!! Another deal will come along! An honest one! I have come close many times over the last year but I not only call the seller, I call another ham in the same town and get my ducks lined up before I commit. Nothing feels as bad as that sinking feeling when you realize you've been HAD !!! out fellow hams.....there's a new target that scammers are aiming at. IT'S US !!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:47 pm

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:22 pm
On top of that just think what it does to the ham who has been plagerized. No one will want to trust you and it will take a long time to build your good name back up if ever. Knock on wood (hitting my head) I haven't been scammed yet but it could happen. I'm very careful. It almost makes you not want to sell or deal at all. Why don't these scammers just get a legit job? :?