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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:21 pm


Post by w8jn »

I took the time to read about 1/9. A great group of heros. It's unfortunate that Gugle did what he did. Obviously your goal was to expose him in the ham community. I dont know that this is or is not a ham issue. My son in law is an officer in spec ops, now assigned to duty in Iraq. We are all proud of him. I do have a suggestion. You might want to stick to the facts in the Gugle website and remove the emotion. Other than impressing himself, and making a fool of himself, it appears that he did not bloviate to steal money, services etc. He simply wanted to make himself out to be the hero that he isnt. Dont make him a pitiful sympathetic character by overkill. The facts by themselves will make him out to be the liar and braggart that he is.
best 73 and bless all of you who served to make us free! paul w8jn
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