Icom IC-756 original
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:05 pm
Greetings. I searched the past messages for a similar post and didn't find any, so here's my question. I purchased a nice IC-756 from a SK estate four years ago for $750. It's a great radio but I also have an IC-746Pro that I use more often. I'd like to sell the 756 and I'm curious where I should set my price. I realize there are issues with the LCDs going out (mine is in fine shape) and that the 756 Pro III is now on its way out so my radio is probably not worth what I paid for it. However, it's still a great radio that's in 8.5 to 9 out of 10 condition. No wear since I've had it. Never outside the shack. No smoking by me or the previous owner. Only a few scuffs on the to of the case that it came with. I'd like to include the Heil iCM mic with it (only a year or so old). I'd like to ask $750 shipped CONUS for radio, mic, manual in original boxes and double boxed for shipping. Does this seem like a good place to start? I'm just looking to charge a fair price and figure $750 isn't too bad since I'm including a nice mic and eating the shipping. Please fire away with your thoughts.