What's a good antenna for the Yaesu 757GX

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What's a good antenna for the Yaesu 757GX

Post by W4UAA »

Hello all,

I am a new member. I received this radio from my grandfather, I'm just not sure what to get for an antenna.

Pleae help! Thank you for your time!

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Post by k4kk »

What do you want to do with it?

Limited space?
80 meter net?

A little more information will provide you with better recommendations. Otherwise, you will be subjected to "what I like" and I may have different goals.
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Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:35 pm

Post by W4UAA »

I am definetly going to keep it fixed with limited space for now. I know it's a decent radio, I just don't quite know what I can do with it just yet. I currently live in an apartment with a balcony.
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Ft 757 Antenna

Post by KB3LMV »

Hi Ryan
Welcome to the world of amature radio.As a technician your privileges are limited to 28.000 thru 28.500 with the Yeasu.With that said let me recommend the following 1/8x2x24"aluminun flat bar with a 1/2" hole near 1 end.install a 3/8-24 to PL-259 insulated adapter.Next procure a 96"" Stainless steel Whip antenna or prune a 102 CB whip.screw into adapter,then attach 8' of AWG 12 or 14 Stranded wire with 4-6 oz fishing sinker on 1 end to bar next to ant feed point.Connect coax feed line and C clamp assy to balcony railing,Caution yell HEADACHE before dropping copper wire over railing.Voila you have a 10 meter vertical Dipole Antenna.Also avoid odd multiples of 8' in feedline ie 8,24,40' etc to minimize RF Feedback to radio and shocks.
73's and Ham It Up
ps Hit the books and get your General its not much harder that Technician.I passed both but Blew 5 WPM the first time.Then you can really give the yaesu a workout
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