My Callsign Not listed

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My Callsign Not listed

Post by anchor4 »

:( After reading the help advice about using Classifieds ,and feeling a little suspicious about receiving ,no replies or replies of a negative nature.I decided to check my callsign To my dismay VK2CRI did not show up To explain further, I held a ZL2AGE call, I moved to VK land 19 years ago, I applied for the call VK2GQQ which is showing up with my correct address & details. However about 4 years ago I applied to change my callsign to VK2CRI ,and recieved the documention & call from the Australian licensing Authority.Please take into account I have been absent from HamRadio for 19 years and have forgotten most details of what I should do and not do. Question 1 how do I rectify this problem , Do I have to now contact the FCC and advise them??? Also would appreciate anyone who could suggest a good website for Propogation ,Band openings etc .I feel after so long off air I I am beginning all over again LOL .Any of your favourite websites will be greatly appreciated,Here is a story of me arriving in VK2 land something that some may find interesting,I put up a 13mtr Tower on arrival All went well for a while , Then a loss of signal. All the years of hamming , with Vks from my Qth in ZL I never heard about the problems,which I experienced with the big white Gala Cockatoo birds, Boy did I enjoy seeing those big beautiful birds ,I created a big problem, by actually feeding them ,as we were struck by their beauty .It was not long before I discovered they were picking my coax connection on top of the tower. It took me two attempts of bringing down the tower to work and devise a strong protective cover , to stop the attacks even to the extent I had to use solid gauge copper leads well protected etc. Looked the other day after all those years, and yes all is ok ,just waiting for a key to arrive from W Land and hope to be back on 40 20 Mtrs soon Hope my cw hasnt suffered too much LOL 73 John VK2CRI
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