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Kenwood AT-230 max through power

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:14 am
by Kelly Hunt
Kenwood AT-230, can you exceed 200 watts in the "THROUGH" position?

Re: Kenwood AT-230 max through power

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:15 am
by kw4h
Kelly Hunt wrote:Kenwood AT-230, can you exceed 200 watts in the "THROUGH" position?
According to the AT-230 manual, the output power and SWR can be measured even in the "through" position. Since the meter circuit operates in the "through" position, and the maximum forward power on the meter is 200 watts, I don't believe it would be advisable to push more than 200 watts through the AT-230.

73, Steve - KW4H