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Are we selling Illegal CB radios on QTH now?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:29 pm
Listing Number: 867785
RADIOHF - For Sale: Galaxy DX95t2
I Have a galaxy dx95t2 for trade for a Th-d7a or dual band is 10m and in mint condition for $425-$300 all i go down to this is a hot radio does AM FM USB LSB and CW contact me at the email given...K4svt2009 at
Listing #867785 - Submitted on 11/11/10 by Callsign K4SVT

Illegal radios, amps etc.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:49 pm

This is against the rules as listed by this site,that is to sell illegal radios and amplifiers. If you see such a listing send a message to and the listing will be removed. Usually Scott or Terry will email back to you noting the removal of the listing.

I agree lets keep this a ham radio site and not allow the illegal, poorly made non FCC approved CB type amplifiers and so called 10 meter radios to show up on this site. The site owner and monitors have really done a good job to stop this CB junk from being listed.