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Henry conversion

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:25 pm
Is it possible to increase my output on a Henry 2K Classic, I read somewhere that you can increase the plate voltage to 4000 and that would give you A 3K, using the 3-500 in the 2 k classic?

Yes there is...

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:38 pm
by K4ICL
Yes there is a way to increase the wattage output on a Henry 2K Classic amp.

Here is how:

1. Sell the 2K Classic for as much as you can get for it. Should bring about $800 if it is in very good condition and not "modified". Perhaps more.

2. Find a Henry 4K ultra or some other more powerful amp of your liking.

3. Buy the amp of your liking using the proceeds from the sale of the Henry 2K Classic PLUS a whole load of coins of the realm.

Walla! You have increased the wattage you want.

Do the math! Each of the 2 tubes on a Henry 2K Classic had a 500 watt plate dissipation (when cooled properly). Now, how do you get 3,000 watts out of tubes that will produce only 1,000 watts without melting the pins or the plates?

You don't.

You are already getting 2,000 watts PEP, 500 watts PEP OVER legal limit, with the unmodified Henry 2K Classic. Also, you are only going to get about 3 db gain at the other guy's receiver if you double that wattage.

'Tis better to "stay legal". Much less expensive too...
