Why CONUS only?

Discussion of various shipping and packing methods, tips and tricks.
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Why CONUS only?

Post by VE6WR »

Have seen a lot of ads stating CONUS or continental US only. Why is that? What have you got against Canadians? I have bought quite a few items off this classified board and have been satisfied with every one. All you have to do is put it in the post office and away it goes. NAFTA has been around for a long time now. No more duty, no more fees. What gives?
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Post by K4ICL »

I think the biggest problem is that most hams are afraid of the customs papers and just don't want to mess with it.
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Post by N4ATS »

Nothing against Canadians , however CONUS flushes out overseas folks. Usually if someone emails me and says they are in Canada , I ship there but cost is 3X. Sometimes on heavy or bulky items shipping overseas is a mess.
73's from:
18.133 Mhz.
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Shipping to Canada

Post by VE6WR »

I know why the VE2 wanted you to value it lower...anything under $20, you don't have to pay GST up front. That's the goods and services tax we have in Canada. If you buy something in the U.S., you have to pay the GST at the post office or through UPS or FED EX or whoever.

Other than that, just put it in the mail. Yes, the postage is higher and I have always been willing to make a deal with a seller. No tariffs, no duty, no taxes, no anything on the U.S. side. The Canadian buyer has to pay GST when they pick the item up at the post office.

I just bought a tuner at Universal. Cheaper even with the added postage.

Great thoughts on this forum. Hope to qsl with some of you in the future.
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Post by w7why »

"I think the biggest problem is that most hams are afraid of the customs papers and just don't want to mess with it."

I sold stuff on eBay where I worked, and when we first started, we sold to Canada.

A lot of the ones who bought wanted us to lower the price on what they bought so they wouldn't have to pay so much for fees. But, if the shipper gets caught doing that, the one doing the shipping takes it in the shorts.

Also, there's lots of paperwork to fill out to ship to Canada--Nafta, SEPTA, plus others.
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Shipping to Canada

Post by VE6WR »

Actually, all you need to do is sign a declaration. There is no other paperwork to fill out. Amateur radio equipment has always been in a special class. I have purchased a complete Tarheel 200A from a ham in Florida, a TS-480SAT from a ham in Michigan, and numerous other items from the U.S. All you need to do is take it to the post office and mail it and sign a declaration as to its worth and what it is. That is all. No worse than mailing to another state.

I agree, though, that you should not lie on the form. The purchaser in Canada will have to pay tax on its worth. No harm to the seller in the U.S.
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Shipping to Canada

Post by N8ERM »

Yes the paper work is no problem. The real problem is with the two goverments postal services when the package is damaged. Your paperwork gets lost in the process and they have just worn you down untill you stop inquireing. I have lost money this way and will not do it again. I packaged an Icom 706MK2G in its origanal factory box. I packaged the factory box with three layers of bubble wrap. I put this in a larger box with1 inch of styrofoam on all the sides.including the top and bottom. It was a complete wreck when it was picked up..
Terry N8ERM
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Post by K8YZK »

I have to agree with Terry, getting reimbursed for damages can be a pain, because who actually damaged the radio, US or Canadian.
Myself being close to the border, I have traded with Canadian Hams who came over here to shop. I would have no trouble going over there either(I do have a passport) to make a swap/sell.

Now as for selling/shipping to other parts of the world that is a big no for me. i did have a guy offer me $5000 bank check to sell him a $100 radio and I get to keep an extra $500 for my trouble and Western Union the rest back to him.
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Great article by View by Al K4ICL.

Post by N8ERM »

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NOTE: These guidelines are based on years experience packing and shipping electronic equipment using most major domestic and carriers. Proper packing is the single most important step in conducting business on the Internet, yet often receives the least attention.


A gorilla, larger than you can imagine, will throw the package at least 30 feet to another large gorilla. The second gorilla will not catch it and it will slam against the brick wall and drop to the concrete floor.

You will have to file a damage claim if you do not DOUBLE BOX the item. Dealing with damage claims is a REAL hassle, likely to involve much paper work and hard feelings. It will make you very cranky.

The Reality

All shipping carriers, including the U.S. Postal Service, have automated their distribution systems, using bar codes to route packages. Your shipment will be moved through the read-and-sort process using conveyor belts. The conveyor system will drop your package from one belt to another at a heights of up to 40 inches. This means that your package will experience a free fall drop(s) at some phase of being carried from your QTH to its destination. IF YOU DON'T PACK IT PROPERLY, IT WILL BE DAMAGED.


Always insure the package for one and one-half times its ACTUAL REPLACEMENT VALUE.

MINIMUM Requirement

Any package should be packed in such a manner that the contents of the package will not be damaged if the package is dropped from the height of a normal shipping counter to the floor, a distance of about 40 inches or three and one half feet.

Step by Step Procedure to assure it getting there undamaged

WARNING: If your unit has a heavy transformer, such as is found in some linear amplifiers and similar equipment, REMOVE THE HEAVY TRANSFORMER AND SHIP IT IN AN SEPARATE PACKAGE.

1. Place item in plastic bag or other suitable plastic cover to protect it from packing materials and moisture. Same with any extra small items, manual, accessories, etc. Remember, the vibration of a long haul truck can completely ware the paint off a surface rubbing against packing material.

2. Wrap item in at least five layers of the large bubble wrap. There should be enough bubble wrap surrounding the item to absorb the shock of being dropped from a height of 40 inches.

3. Place item in suitable size heavy duty cardboard box, preferably one that just fits the item with it bubble wrapping, including any accessories. Fill any spaces on the top, bottom and sides of the bubble wrapped item with sheets of foam. The pink sheets of foam insulation from Home Depot or the blue sheets from Lowes are perfect for this. DO NOT use Styrofoam “peanuts”. The peanuts wll be pounded to dust causing the item to bang around in the box. DO NOT USE NEWSPAPER, WADDED PLASTIC OR ANYTHING NOT DESIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE.

4. Seal the box carefully. Double tape everything. The better it is sealed, the better it will absorb the shock of being dropped.

5. Next the sealed box goes inside a second box leaving at least one inch of space between the boxes on ALL sides.

6. Prior to placing the smaller box inside the larger, place one or two sheets of foam board in and on the bottom of the large box. This is to strengthen the bottom of the two box container you are building. IMPORTANT: For LARGE HEAVY items, there should be at least two inches of Styrofoam sheets. DO NOT USE STYROFOAM PEANUTS OR ANY OTHER LOOSE MATERIAL. (Note: the “pink” one inch foam board available at Home Depot is perfect for this application. Often slightly damaged sheets are discounted to half price. Even better!)

7. After placing the smaller box it the larger, place foam board on all sides and the top of the smaller sealed box. Fill all remaining space in the second box, leaving NO air space at the top. The inner "first" box MUST be securely held in place so it will not shift when you shake the package,

8. Seal the second box with packing tape then over the top and bottom "lids" again. Double tape everything.

9. IMPORTANT: place on each surface, except the bottom, stickers or signs indicating that the contents of the package is a FRAGILE ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT and DO NOT DROP. If you fail to do this, the package WILL BE HANDLED AS IF IT WERE A BOX OF ROCKS!

10. Place address label on top of package, completely taping over with clear packing tape.

11. IMPORTANT: Immediately after shipping, forward the tracking number the recipient.


Last edited by K4ICL on Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by w7apm »

Nobody has adressed shippingto HI or AK...Why wouldn't a person ship there?
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Post by KJ6AMF »

w7apm wrote:Nobody has adressed shippingto HI or AK...Why wouldn't a person ship there?
I was thinking that too. When I sell I say I will ship to any US address, that is anywhere I can use USPS flat rate. Then it opens up sales to HI, AK as well as US territories like Puerto Rico and Guam.
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Post by W6GQ »

It is not extra to ship to Puerto Rico but it is a bit different

I shipped there and apparently there is an address Urbanization that needs to be listed and the address format is different then in the states.

http://www.usps.com/ncsc/addressstds/ad ... dsmenu.htm


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