Radio Kit Builders/ Solderers
Radio Kit Builders/ Solderers
This year on a few occasions,in wanting to buy pre-assembled kit radios and modules (Elecraft). I have posed questions to sellers about solder. What solder did you use? Age of solder (what was the date of manufacture)? How or what method di you use to clean the board post soldering? I have received alarming answers or reply's to these questions. First of all I will state this very important fact. Wire core solder is typically only good or held to spec 3 years after DOM date of manufacture. Some of the self-acclaimed experts or professionals are using solder bought in the late 80's or 90's(from there junk box) I can guarantee you ICOM / YAESU / KENWOOD would have been out of business yaers ago from failing product due to out of date or contaminated solders.These guys already have substantial ,in warranty ,failures due to using solders incorrectly used (contaminated). Let me say the phrase " I have built 25 or 50 of these with no complaint " just means you did the same thing incorrectly many times.Maybe your buyer doesnt know his rig died or is flakey due to solder issues,maybe he believes he accidentaly blew his rig up,there are a number of senarios possible to allow the builder to believe all his rigs still work. So in the builders mind all is good then he continues. I only take issue with these type things because I am a IPC J-STD certified soldering technician,trained in thru -hole technology and SMT devices,I have been into many old and new radios,and my profession is a Senior Technician and Lab Manager for my Company.I hold a certification for solder training .I solder almost daily, I buy and discard solder frequently. As pcb materials change and componets change in there materials ,so should soldering materials and processes. So all you guys out there building radios,first -buy new solder,next -buy the appropriate solder for the job,then look online-you can find free publications online for solder traning. If you are going to build a kit to keep and never sell,use whatever you want! But if you are going to one day sell it,be knowledgable enough to tell the buyer how , when you soldered it ,what solder was used ,what date was on the solder,what was the cleaning process. Be responsible to the HAM community, don't destroy the ideal of the hobby by ruining it with young Hams coming into the hobby.This should be a hobby enjoyed by many to come. I dont want to buy an ELECRAFT KPA100 to add to my K2 that has been soldered with Radio Shack solder ,with no-date and the cleaning process to get the burned off flux from the joints,using an exacto knife to scrape them clean. Not me ! just because it works now doesnt mean it will be working for me a week or a year from now,with that kind of workmanship! But this is why they sell new kits daily! I just like to ,when I can save on my hobby in time ,labor and cost ,as I enjoy it ! Ask detailed questionsbefore you buy ![/b]