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N5WYN James E Davidson,

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:37 pm
by Henryk
James E Davidson, N5WYN is not an honest person.I bought from him in January 2004 VX-2R, I sended money and silence to today... I've sent several emails to James attempting to resolve this problem and he refuses to answer any.
Henryk SP8INS

n5wyn...a thiefI wa

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:17 pm
by ik8und

bad to hear that Mr. Jameson N5WYN ripped once more.
I just saw another ad. POSTED by him.
Hope he's not ripping off other people.
Hope he's going to break both legs and arms.
I was ripped too.
Once again do not buy by this disonorable man
and poor person.
May hurricane "IVAN" blow you away...