"Basic" Circuitry

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"Basic" Circuitry

Post by Masher »

I'm new to homebrewihng and want to try my hand at a couple of projects. But I am confused. Looking at a schematic for a pretty basic IC audio amplifier. It shows an input for the audio and a separate input for the power--here +12 Volts.
I know that circuits must be completed before power will flow. There are two leads from, say, a microphone or phono cartridge. I assume one goes to the audio input and the other goes to ground. Am I correct here?

Same with the power supply. Does the negative go to ground?

Thanks for helping me out before I eledtrocute myself or burn down the house or something. . 73,
"If the law supposes that, the law is an ass, an idiot."--Charles Dickens Oliver Twist
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Post by k4kk »

Typically, "yes" to both questions.
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Post by ve3ega »

My suggestion would be for you to find and to join a 'ham-radio' club in your area - even if they have no 'current' projects on the go - you will soon start to learn the fundamentals - even taking the ham-radio courses will help you learn how basic electronics work!

Post a 'help on finding a ham club' on here and wait to see what happens!

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